Holy Cross Catholic Primary School


Aspire London Equality Objectives

Aspire London is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all in line with the Equality Act 2010. We aim to reduce disadvantages, discrimination and inequalities of opportunity, and promote diversity in terms of our pupils, our workforce and the community in which we work.  

We will encourage our children to aim high, be resilient and have a strong moral compass. Where our children experience barriers to their success we will work with them to address these in a sensitive and compassionate way. We will teach our pupils the importance of equality, the forms discrimination can take and the negative impact discrimination can have. We will support our children to grow in their faith, to understand their role in the world as good Christians, showing love and respect for each other and everyone they meet.

We will not discriminate on any of the grounds of any Protected Characteristics listed below except where such discrimination is permitted by law. An example of a permitted discrimination relevant to our Schools is:

1. Schools with a religious character (commonly known as faith schools) have certain exceptions to the religion or belief provisions which allow them to discriminate because of religion or belief in relation to admissions and in access to any benefit, facility or service.

The Protected Characteristics that apply to schools are:

  • Age;
  • Disability;
  • Gender re-assignment;
  • Marriage and civil partnership;
  • Pregnancy and Maternity;
  • Race;
  • Religion Faith or Belief;
  • Sex;  
  • Sexual orientation.

As a Governing Body and employer we will not tolerate any of the following:

  • Direct or Indirect Discrimination;
  • Bullying;
  • Harassment;
  • Victimisation.

We will comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty giving due regard to that duty when making decisions, taking actions and developing policies. In line with its specific duties under the Equality Act 2010, we will publish our equality objectives which are updated every four years.

Our equality objectives:

For our children, irrespective of social background, ethnic group, gender, ability or disability to leave school with secure knowledge of our school curriculum. The evidence of our success will be in the children’s government testing outcomes.

For our children from all social backgrounds, ethnic groups, gender, ability or disability to leave school as confident communicators. The evidence of our success with this will be in the children’s ability to verbally express themselves clearly and in their excellent written work.

For our children and staff from all social backgrounds, ethnic groups, gender, ability or disability to have a clear understanding of racism, prejudice and inequality and to actively challenge discrimination. The evidence of our success with this will be in the breadth and delivery of the school curriculum, the positive images and language in school and on the school website and most importantly in discussion with children, staff and parents.

For our children from all social backgrounds, ethnic groups, gender, ability or disability to be inspired by our curriculum and the inspirational people within it. The evidence of our success with this will be through discussion with children and in the quality of their work.

For our children from all social backgrounds, ethnic groups, gender, ability or disability to be creative. The evidence of our success with this will be in the wonderful quality of their creative work.

For our children from all social backgrounds, ethnic groups, gender, ability or disability we will challenge stereotypes and misconceptions.  We will promote positive role models reflecting the diversity of our community. The evidence of our success will be our outcomes from delivering a rich curriculum to educate and teach the children about all faiths, cultures, beliefs and abilities. 

Lewisham’s Race Equality Pledge

Lewisham schools have written and signed up to the pledge below to highlight our commitment to race equality. We believe that we can work in our schools and across the authority to educate children and build a determination to ensure a future which is fairer for all.

Embedding Race Equality – Pledge

We are expecting all Lewisham schools to publicly sign up to a pledge to Embed Race Equality and address Black Caribbean heritage and Black and Minority Ethnic under achievement.

This will entail a commitment to: 

  • Targeting ambitious outcomes for Black Caribbean heritage and Black and Minority Ethnic pupils.
  • Reducing exclusions of Black Caribbean heritage pupils at all ages.
  • Leaders and governors taking a whole school approach to embedding race equality.
  • Transparent reporting and sharing of borough wide data trends.
  • Working together in new ways and sharing good practice to embed race equality in our school cultures and curriculum.
  • Actively developing high quality relationships with Black Caribbean heritage and Black and Minority Ethnic pupils and their parents. 
  • Improving Black representation in school leadership and governing bodies
  • Lewisham schools holding each other to account. Lewisham Learning and Lewisham Council will internally support and challenge, including reporting annually to the Council, on the progress that is being made across Lewisham.