Diamond Club
The Diamond Club is our Parish senior citizens group. The School and Diamond Club enjoy a wonderful intergenerational relationship that is treasured by children and Diamonds alike!
The Diamond Club are regular visitors to our School. They are always the first to see School productions such as the Nativity Play, Carol Concert and Passion Play. The joy felt by the Diamonds when they see the children perform is matched by the excitement the children feel when they see their very special audience.
The children in our EYFS classes enjoy stay and play sessions with members of the Diamond Club where they get the chance to play and chat together recreating for many the very special grandparent/grandchild relationship. During these sessions you hear endless laughter and fun. We often question who enjoys it most and the answer is both!
Twice a year the Diamond Club come into School to enjoy Afternoon Tea with our Upper Key Stage 2 children. The School Hall is set out like an old English café and tea is poured from teapots into cups and saucers whilst homemade cakes are thoroughly enjoyed by all! The chatter between Diamonds and children only stops when we enjoy a sing song together. Treasured times with precious people.
These are just some of the activities the children of Holy Cross and members of the Diamond Club enjoy together. It is a unique and wonderful relationship that allows the generations to learn from one another.
Our special intergenerational work was confirmed as a Challenge Partners Area of Excellence. We all thoroughly enjoyed the celebrations that followed this!
Judging the annual Daffodil Competition

Getting to know our Reception Class

Afternoon Tea with Year 5