Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Year 3

Mr G Parker
Class Teacher

Mrs S. Stoneham
PPA Cover
Mrs F Power
Teaching Assistant

In Year 3 we are as much committed to our learning and academic success as we are to the well being and achievements of our friends and peers. Our academic work is intertwined with ongoing PSHE activities that not only challenge and extend our ways of thinking about the world, but also foster a sense of community and respect for others.

All our work aims to incorporate a balance of clear but challenging academic goals with a celebration of personal and peer achievement. 

 In Year 3 we are always positive, building on our success in order to stretch ourselves further. 

Year 3 Curriculum Overview
Autumn Term 2024

Curriculum Intent

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School is a unique and special place where our faith is at the heart of all we do. Our children     learn to live the Gospel values of love, forgiveness and peace.  Within our federation of Aspire London we use the National Curriculum and believe that our children deserve for it to be tailored to their needs.  With this in mind we have prioritised the things we want our children to enjoy, experience and remember during their time with us. 

Our curriculum at Aspire London has a set of ‘drivers’ developed from the deep knowledge of the pupils and their families within our School community.

The drivers which shape our curriculum ensure we give our pupils aspirational opportunities throughout their primary school years.  We provide our children with the wealth of knowledge required to be informed and thoughtful members of our community and wider world.  The breadth of our curriculum encourages pupils to be ambitious, develop an inquiring mind and a life-long love of learning.

Curriculum Drivers

Significant People:
Aspire London will:

Develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the world and people, past and present, who shape it
Provide identifiable role models to raise ambition and aspiration

Aspire London will:

Immerse the children in the historically rich and diverse nature of London
Give pupils an understanding of the positive impact of migration and a cultural appreciation of our community

Equality & Justice:
Aspire London will:

Empower pupils to be advocates who address issues of prejudice and discrimination
Ensure pupils value fairness and resolve differences through positive discussion
Environmental Responsibility:
Aspire London will:

Educate children of the need to protect God’s planet from environmental damage
Create eco- friendly citizens who are aware of the impact of their individual actions and those of the wider world.    

Autumn Term 2024

We will revise and strengthen key skills in our written English, such as the consistent use of capital letters at the start of every sentence, full stops, and finger spaces. We will focus on key terms such as adjectives, verb, adverb, prepositions and nouns. We will include speech marks and other punctuation marks. We will also revise and strengthen our handwriting scripts to ensure pupils can work towards using the cursive style in their writing. We will continue to use and develop our phonic knowledge when spelling and reading trickier words. We will base our writing and grammar tasks on a core range of books, including, The Promise, Stone Age Boy, Ug – Boy Genius of the Stone Age and Stone Girl, Bone Girl – the Story of Mary Anning. Guided Reading will occur daily, and children will read on a one-to-one basis with an adult at least once a week.

In Maths we will strengthen our knowledge of how to represent and partition numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. We will order and compare numbers using our knowledge of place value and the symbols for ‘greater than’ and ‘lesser than’. The children will learn to write numbers to 1000 and sequence them on a number line.  We will explore finding 1,10, or a 100 more or less within the 0-1000 range. We will strengthen our counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, and begin to count forwards and back in 3s. We will develop our knowledge of how to add and subtract 3 digit numbers using a number line, and using the column method. We will transfer these skills in order to solve everyday problems, such as with money. When using money we will calculate totals and work out how to give the correct change. We will also focus on multiplication and division (without remainders); using the column method for multiplication and the ‘bus stop’ method for division.

We will be looking at the themes of the Christian Family and Mary, Mother of God. We will look at the sacrament of Baptism and the signs and symbols associated with it.  We will consider why God chose Mary to be the Mother of his son and understand the meaning of the Hail Mary. In preparation for Christmas we will reflect on the meaning of Jesus’ birth and the wise men who came to visit whilst considering which gifts we can offer.

This term we are learning about ‘Rocks.’ Through this topic the children will learn about the different types of rocks and their formation. They will group rocks according to their appearance and simple physical properties, for example which rocks are permeable. They will also describe how fossils are formed. We will focus on palaeontology discovering what a paleontologist does, how paleontology has changed human understanding of prehistoric animals and Mary Anning’s contribution to palaeontology.

The Prehistoric Period: Stone Age to Iron Age – children will learn what is meant by pre-history and how we can gain knowledge of the period between the Stone Age and Iron Age. We will compare the similarities and differences between the Sone Age and life in modern Britain and look at the impact of the period on art, culture, travel and communities.

In Computing we will learn about variables and their impact on programs. Children will understand the importance of passwords and keeping them safe. We will investigate blogging and how it can be used to communicate.

Gymnastics – children will learn how to perform a range of rolls, jumps and turns.
Dance – children will begin to improvise with a partner to make simple dance routines and perform with some awareness of rhythm and expression.
Games – children will develop a range of skills through Football and Basketball involving tactics and control.

We will be focusing on Painting and Drawing looking at tone and texture, shadows, shading and perspective. We will mix colours effectively using vocabulary such as tint, shade, primary, secondary and tertiary colours. We will become familiar with the work of Cezanne, Matisse, Georgia O’Keefe and Sonia Delaunay.

Our DT work will be linked to our work the Stone Age. We will plan and design Stone Age jewellery and a Stone Age spear. We will select the most appropriate resources, thinking about their suitability for different purposes, and plan each stage of development.

In our weekly Music lessons children will learn about the difference between high and low sounds, the pentatonic scales and the terms crescendo and diminuendo. Children will learn how to make Fire Music, using body sounds, onomatopoeia and alliteration (using words from the song), and compare this with using instruments.

Children will study the topics of ‘Me and My Relationships’ and ‘Valuing Difference’. Children will learn about the need for rules and that there are consequences for breaking rules. They will discuss the benefits of collaboration and understand that they can express their opinions appropriately.
Children will also learn about different types of family and explore the idea of communities. Children will be encouraged to identify similarities and differences. They will learn about people in the UK enjoying their heritage from a wide range of countries around the world. Children will be taught that you can challenge another’s viewpoint but it must be done respectfully. Children will be taught ways to maintain and develop good, positive, trusting relationships.

Autumn Term Knowledge Organisers

Useful links:

For speech and language resources and advice and tips for parents working at home with children who have SLCN visit:


BBC Bitesize and Purple Mash are excellent resources for you to use. Click on the icon, have a look and see what you can learn!