Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Year 6

Mr J Foster
Class Teacher
Assistant Headteacher
Miss. R Quinn
Teaching Assistant

Being in Year 6 at Holy Cross is a truly memorable time for the children.

This is a key moment in their lives; they will develop more independence, a huge amount of resilience and, most importantly, they will become very aware of who they are as both learners and young adults.

Our Year 6 children are considered to be the role models of our School and have the responsibility of showing their young peers what to do through our buddy system with Reception class. Throughout the year, three head boys and three head girls, one of each for every term, are elected by the members of staff to also represent our school in the best way possible.

During the year, our children in Year 6 will be challenged in class and we will have high expectations for all the children to achieve their very best, in their work and also for their future. We want our children to work hard and to be confident enough to make mistakes and learn from them. During the year there is plenty of fun through our trips, activities and our creative curriculum!

Of course, a big part of our summer term in Year 6 is preparing for the move to secondary school – a huge milestone in the lives of our children. This may involve going to their new schools or having a visit from some of their new teachers, which will hopefully help with any concerns or questions they may have.

Children will take part in an end of year production, celebrations of their successes and a very special Mass as they complete their years at Holy Cross School.

Year 6 children always have lots of fun in their last year with us and we always remind them that they will always be part of our Holy Cross family!

Year 6 Curriculum Overview
Autumn Term 2024

Summer Term Knowledge Organisers

For speech and language resources and advice and tips for parents working at home with children who have SLCN visit:


BBC Bitesize and Purple Mash are excellent resources for you to use. Click on the icon, have a look and see what you can learn!