Holy Cross Catholic Primary School


“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots” 
Marcus Garvey

At Holy Cross, our history curriculum is designed to foster wonder and curiosity, and inspiring learners to ask perceptive questions and be actively inquisitive. We carefully plan links, using our key curriculum drivers, so that children contextualise their learning, make connections with prior knowledge and shape their understanding of the world on a local, national and global scale and have the opportunity to compare our modern world to the past, focussing on scale, duration and concurrence. 

Children develop an understanding of the concept of time and the past in the Early Years Foundation Stage and build on this in Key Stage 1. Within skilfully planned learning journeys, learners have the opportunity to use a range of evidence and sources, alongside visitors and trips, to explore the characteristics of time periods; learning about people’s lives during the historical period as well as aspects including society, culture, economy, military, religion and politics. Each time period we study is considered with a wider lens from those traditionally depicted with a focus on diversity and an appreciation of stories from different groups of people within the time period.

Please also see individual class pages for the Humanities Knowledge Organisers