Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Online Safety Workshop

Thank you to all the parents that attended the online session on Monday from the Breck Foundation. The whole staff had a further training session on Tuesday and the content has certainly had the whole staff team talking. I have put the link below for the parent session, which was recorded and is now available to for you watch until next Tuesday. It makes you aware that our very precious children could be targeted by strangers wanting to groom them. Some of the statistics that were spoken about are frightening, over 70% of teenagers are groomed on social media sites such as Snapchat and Instagram. As parents we need to check that they only engage online with people that they have met and know well. I would really ask that you think carefully about when your children have access to social media sites, including WhatsApp. These sites are for young people who are over the age of 13. The children in KS2 had workshops about online safety, their sessions were really informative, please speak to your children for more information about these.


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