Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is an allocation of funding in addition to the budget provided to schools to support specific groups of pupils who are vulnerable to possible underachievement. These include pupils who are entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) or have been in receipt of FSM within the last six years, those looked after by the LA and the children of armed service personnel. This funding is intended to support us in diminishing the difference in attainment between different groups of pupils.

The total amount of pupil premium funding we received for the 2024 – 2025 year was £66,600

The funding contributed to the success of Holy Cross School in the following ways:

  • High quality additional teaching and support staff for intervention groups
  • Additional experts working with individuals and small groups
  • Staff training to ensure intervention is as effective as possible
  • Tracking the progress of pupils frequently, comparing results and informing their target setting and next steps.
  • Resources to support reading, writing and mathematics.

Throughout the academic year we used the money:

  • To ensure that all children had access to the same opportunities within School through class outings, residential trips and after school clubs.
  • To provide short term intervention programmes for those underachieving and those with SEND.
  • Additional support staff for 1:1 and small intervention groups.

This year we are seeking to maintain and improve:

  • Excellent progress for pupils in reading, writing and mathematics
  • Excellent end of key stage results, meaning that pupils are better prepared for the next stage of their education
  • Assessment for learning throughout the school and early intervention through small group personalised learning
  • Early Years intervention to ensure that all children who were capable were at least at age related levels in all subjects by the end of the Reception year.
  • Further enrichment of the curriculum to drive standards in learning forward
  • Pupil progress meetings held on a termly basis with each class to discuss progress of each child in reading, writing and maths. 

How do we know it is making a difference?

We track the progress of all our pupils in school on a termly basis and more frequently for pupils causing concern and we compare pupils according to FSM, Pupil Premium and other characteristics.

Please read the letter and form below. It will help you to decide if your child is eligible to receive Pupil Premium.

Please follow this link to the Free School Meals page on the Lewisham Education
