Year 5 Class Assembly
Please remember that on Wednesday, 13th November, at 9.15am, there will be a wonderful assembly led by our Year 5 class. I believe we are being transported back to the time of the Tudors! Parents and Carers are welcome to join with us.
- Djembe Assembly Spring Term 2025
- Daffodil Competition
- Reception Class Trip to Moon Lane Bookshop
- Cinema Evening
- PSA Cinema Evening
- Parish Coffee Morning
- Book Fair
- Year 3 Trip to Beckenham Place Park
- Other Faiths Week
- Year 4 Class Assembly – Anglo-Saxons
- Academic Review Day
- PSA Meeting
- Parents Mental Health Day
- Kurling Competition
- Educational Psychologist Workshop
- London’s Burning
- Academic Review Day
- Parenting Support Workshop
- Holy Cross is 50!
- School’s 50th Birthday
- Christmas Jumper Day and Cake Sale
- Parenting Support Workshop
- Our Mini Vinnies supporting Macmillan Cancer Support
- A Miracle in Town
- A Christmas Celebration
- Christingle
- Science at St Ursula’s School for Girls
- School Council Gate Greeters
- A Message from Holy Cross Playgroup
- Nursery Trip to see Dear Zoo